Harley Davidson & The Marlboro Man (1991) Mickey Rourke & Mitzi Martin

Source:Nick Nevler– Mickey Rourke and Mitzi Martin

Source:The Action Blog

“Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man Ending.”

From Nick Nevler

“Hollywood Vintage Jacket realizza in Italia tutto il completo indossato da Mickey Rourke: la giacca, i pantaloni, il cinturone. Tutte le info nel sito ufficiale:Hollywood Vintage Jacket.”

Source:Jeslo Venezia– Mickey Rourke and Mitzi Martin

From Jeslo Venezia

If you like action films, especially action/comedy I believe you’ll really like Harley Davidson and The Marlboro Man. Which is really about two underachieving and immature drifters ( played by Mickey Rourke and Don Johnson ) who come from humble backgrounds, who grew up together and both end up back in their hometown together and find out that their friends are in trouble and their favorite hangout is going out of business, unless it comes up with a lot cash in a short period of time. They’re not career criminals, but they’re not angels either and end up stealing money from a bank that’s run by crooks and the local mob there to save their bar.

Neither Harley Davidson ( which is Mickey Rourke’s real name in the film ) or Marlboro ( which is Don Johnson’s real name in the film ) are meant to be one place for a long period of time, or even weeks. Especially Harley who is not just a biker, but is a drifter who takes off every time he gets bored and gets into trouble or something happens to him that he can’t deal with, because he’s so immature. Which is why the last scene in the movie after the heroes save the day ( so to speak ) is so great, because what is Harley doing, but taking off again and picking up a young woman ( played by Mitzi Martin ) who is also a drifter and they ride off into the sunset together.

PM Entertainment Group: Ice (1994) Starring Traci Lords

Source:Pic Click– Traci Lords, in Ice 

Source:The Action Blog 

“Also Known As: Caçada Pela Máfia; Inimigo Letal; Diamanten kalt wie Eis; The Diamond Killing; La croqueuse de diams
Year: 1994”


Source:Tinatra– Traci Lords in Ice.

From Tinatra

I don’t think Ice is a great movie, but just because a movie isn’t a great movie, doesn’t mean that it’s not good, or at least entertaining and very entertaining. Typical of a lot of Traci Lords movies which tend to be b-movies anyway, ( I mean, we are talking about a porn actress ) there is a lot of cheesy writing in the movie that makes it sound like some action TV show from the 1970s or 80s, that never got off the ground, because the pilot failed. ( Ha, ha, get it ) But typical of her movies there’s also a lot of sexy scenes with her in it and I’m not talking about her porn films ( necessarily ) and a lot of good action scenes. Car chases and shootouts., where she’s either playing a tough, badass, sexy, gorgeous cop, or in this case a bad girl who gets the bad guys at the end with her husband.

Source:Alamy– Traci Lords and Jamie Alba 

Even with Traci’s gorgeous, baby face, she plays a bad girl in Ice. Ellen Reed ( played by Traci Lords ) and her husband Charley Reed ( played by Phillip Troy ) are cat burglars sho steel diamonds from the mafia and the local police detectives are on to them to try to catch them. This is really not a movie about bad guys and girls versus good guys and girls, but more like a movie about dancing with the devil that you know the best with the mafia being the worst devils in this case and the cops trying to use the Reeds’s to help them bring down the local mafia there. Not that different from how the FBI an U.S. Attorney’s use informants and ex-mobsters to help them bring down the mafia in New York and other big cities in America.

The plot alone I believe makes Ice a very interesting movie. But it’s a cheap film like most b-movies and unlike Intent To Kill that did have other stars in it including Traci Lords with Scott Patterson and Yaphet Koto, I don’t believe unless you’re some Hollywood movie historian and junkie, I don’t believe that you would recognize anyone else in this movie other than Traci Lords. But considering that Ice is a movie with a lot of perhaps c-actors and not even b-actors and that Traci at this point at least is probably just a b-actress at this point, Ice is a very watchable and entertaining film. Especially considering what they had to to work with. Sort of like an NFL team that wins 9 or 10 games without any stars on the team, Ice is a good film especially considering what it had to work with.

Shannen Doherty: Beverly Hills 90210

Source:Image Ozone– Shannen Doherty, in 1992

Source:The Action Blog

“This is just a little something i made for Christmas beverly hills 90210 style! its nothing special, but i hope you guys enjoy and have a great holiday season!
song: all i want for Christmas is you.”

From FOX Network

Source:FOX Network– From Season 3 Christmas episode, of 90210. 

There were only a handful of shows I that watched religiously ( not including sports ) growing up especially once I started high school in the 1990s. Dukes of Hazzard, in the 1980s, The Fall Guy in the 1980s, Knight Rider, A-Team, Married With Children, and then when I was in high school in the early and mid 1990s shows like the original Law & Order. And when I mean religiously, I’m talking about every week including the reruns in the summer. There was really only one show that I watched that much during the summer when I was in high school and that the original Beverly Hills 90210 from Fox. Because it was about Generation X and what life was like growing up for a lot of us, it was a funny show like great soap operas are and all the beautiful, sexy women on it including one and particular.

Source:Ashley Rayshon Scott– Shannen Doherty, in 1992

I loved the Brenda Walsh character ( played by Shannen Doherty ) for multiple reasons. She was so real for both good and bad and seemed to always know what she want, except when it came to guys, she just didn’t always know how to get there and how to get what she wanted. Which is typical for teenagers of any generation and perhaps Generation X in particular. When we’re growing up we think we know what we want, but a lot of times don’t know how to get it and most teenagers have short attention spans and something else comes along and we’re impressed by that. I wanted to be a sportscaster when I was in high school up until my early 20s or so and realized that perhaps was no longer that important to me and didn’t want to get a degree in broadcasting in order to become a sportscaster. Brenda Walsh was similar, but I think she knew what she wanted, but didn’t know how to get it.

Source:People Magazine– Shannen Doherty, on People in 1992

The Walsh Family, moves from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Beverly Hills, California ( just outside of Los Angeles ) and get a cultural shock right away because they comes from a mid-size community in Minneapolis to not just the second largest city and metro area in the country in Los Angeles, but to the heart of Hollywood and the entertainment industry in this country at least if not the world. Brenda, ( played by Shannen Doherty ) quickly adjusts to that new lifestyle and meets people and friends who are just as real as she is and don’t fit the stereotypes that a lot of Hollywood teenagers have and they discover that they have a lot in common.

This show worked real well, because you had real people living in a fictional community ( known as Hollywood ) where most of the people there are allways trying to be someone else and put on a facade. A lot of the characters on that show could’ve easily been from St. Louis, Milwaukee, Cleveland, or Minneapolis as far as who they were and they went through as teenagers growing up. And that is why the Brenda character was so great because she was a real person growing up in a Hollywood community where realness can be looked down upon by people who want to always be fabulous, perfect, and be popular. People who want to be better than real people and never seem vulnerable to anyone or anything.

The other reason why I loved this show was because of Shannen Doherty. I had a crush on her, I don’t think she was the prettiest girl from the entire series. Jennie Garth was more beautiful during the high school years and I believe Tiffany Thiessen was the best looking woman on the show for the entire series. But Shannen, was the cutest girl on the show and sexiest girl as well at least during the high school years. She wasn’t just a denim diva on that show, ( before that term was even invented ) but she was a Levi’s denim diva who was a Goddess in those skin-tight Levi’s jeans and always wore beautiful western boots with them with tight tops or blouses. I couldn’t wait to watch the show especially just to check her out especially during the first 3 seasons. This show and Shannen Doherty, certainly made high school more interesting for me and I have her to thank for that.

PM Stunt Fan: Intent To Kill (1992) Starring Traci Lords

Source:PM Stunt Fan– Traci Lords, “holy smokes, Batman!” LOL

Source:The Action Blog

“Traci Lords as an undercover cop in leather skirt and jacket.”

From Leather Series & Movies

Intent To Kill
Source:Leather Series & Movie Trailers– Traci Lords, as an undercover LAPD Detective in Intent To Kill.

Today shows and movies featuring gorgeous, sexy big city police detectives and other law enforcement officers are very common. Just look at Law & Order SVU, CSI Las Vegas, The Mentalist, movies like One For The Money where Catherine Heigl plays a New Jersey bounty hunter and I could go on. But in the early 1990s, actresses even gorgeous and sexy actresses, even very good if not great actresses were playing the wives or girlfriends of big police detectives, or playing the victims. Perhaps they would play a rookie patrol officer or desk officer, but generally not involved in doing the legwork and dirty work of what vice cops do to bring down criminals and put themselves in serious physical danger.

Source:PM Stunt Fan– Traci Lords, about to kick ass

Whatever you think of Intent To Kill and I’m one of the first people to say that it’s not a great movie, even though I like it and have seen it several times, Intent To Kill was ahead of it’s time in a positive way, because it had a female police detective who ends up bringing down the bad guys ( to use a cliche ) almost by herself. Her partner and boyfriend ( played by Scott Patterson ) ends up being the one who dies during the last shootout in the movie, not the woman with her boyfriend trying to save her as well and the day. ( To use another cliche ) Traci Lords, is the badass, super cop in the movie who brings down the bad guys. A Los Angeles drug gang, that’s involved in other crimes like rape and murder.

Again, I’m not saying that Intent To Kill is a great movie. Some if not a lot of the writing especially for a 1990s film was pretty cheesy. Traci Lords, made a name for herself in the adult film industry not as a great dramatic or action star. But she’s great in this movie as a LAPD vice detective who is gorgeous, sexy, has the look more of an LA biker chick with the black leather biker jacket, Levi’s jeans, black leather boots, but who isn’t just a pleasure to check out, but who plays a very sharp cop as well who is always ahead of the game. Her first seen in the movie she takes out a rapist on her own, because the victim is a hooker who is simply not believable as a rape victim. Which was a very different time back then. And she ends up essentially playing the female Dirty Harry in this movie and does a great job. A very entailing movie especially if you enjoy seeing gorgeous, sexy women kicking ass.

Laugh About: ’10 Insane Late Night Talk Show Appearances’


Source:India Times– Heidi Klum, on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno in 2006.

Source:The Daily Review


From Mendo Heis


Laugh About_ '10 Insane Late Night Talk Show Appearances'Source:The Daily Review– Heidi Klum, on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, in 2006.

From Moises TV

I think the guests that stick out with me from this video, are Paris Hilton. Because she’s only famous, because who her father is and a few failed so-called realty TV shows she’s been on and of course one of perhaps thousands of so-called celebrities that have done time in jail. And if you noticed Dave Letterman, there was nothing else he wanted to talk about with Paris. Why, because she’s not well-known for really anything positive and for any substance. She’s known as a heiress who probably lives off her trust fund from her father and has someone invest and manage that money for her.

The Joaquin Phoenix, is another standout. Joaquin, later apologized to Letterman for his appearance on that show. Hopefully he apologized for not bothering to shave, or getting a haircut, chewing the gum, the sunglasses, perhaps not bathing before coming on. Dave, was expecting to see Joaquin Phoenix and instead what they got was Jim Morrison’s twin brother from 1970. Some zen new aged hipster, who didn’t seem to have a care in the world, or know anything about anything that was going on in his life. Not the way you want to appear on national TV on The Late Show with David Letterman.

Heidi Klum, well because she’s Heidi Klum. Arguably one of the five best looking woman to ever come from Germany, or be of ethnic-German descent. I like Steffi Graf and Catherine Bach, but that’s me. That whole setup looked planned to me and Heidi with the sense of humor that she has, probably planned the whole deal herself with Dave and Marty Short, being more than willing helpers with the so-called Heidi wardrobe malfunction. I believe that show was from 2007, just three years after the so-called Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction at that Super Bowl.

Post-Johnny Carson, Dave Letterman to me is the best late night talk show host. And I think I like him the most because of damn straight candor. If he doesn’t have much respect for his guests, or his guests aren’t giving him much to work with and perhaps are acting like they want to be somewhere else, as you saw with Paris Hilton, who perhaps was late for her appointment with her dealer, or Joaquin, who looked like he just woke up from a ten-year coma, which would explain the shades and thick beard, Dave will let you know about it. Without actually telling you how he’s feeling.

Shannen Doherty: Charmed Season 1

Peppero 543_ Alyssa Milano & Shannen Doherty

Source:The New Democrat– Alyssa Milano and Shannen Doherty are Charmed.

Source:The New Democrat

“Shannen Doherty Charmed Leather”

From Peppero 543 

“TV series: Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen | S 01, Ep. 19 | Blind (new version in 16:9) | 1999”

The CW_ Charmed- Shannen Doherty in Leather Jeans (2)

Source:The CW– Shannen Doherty looking hot in her black leather jeans.

From TV Real Leather World

“Shanon Doherty black leather pants Charmed”

The CW_ Charmed- Shannen Doherty in Leather Jeans _ The New Democrat

Source:The CW– Shannen Doherty looking hot in her black leather jeans.

From Hot Leather Chicks

Shannen Doherty and Holly Marie Combs from the first season of Charmed from The CW. This photo is from another video that’s not currently available online, at least not right now. But you can still check out parts of this episode from by clicking on the link above.


Source:The New Democrat– Shannen Doherty and Holly Marie Combs are Charmed.

More reasons why Shannen Doherty should’ve been on Charmed longer than she was. To go along with being the very beautiful and adorable, sexy wonderful actress that she is. She was clearly the best actress on that show.

And even though that show never had a great actress on it, they at least the original women on the show were all very good. Alyssa Milano and Holly Marie Combs to go along with Shannen are all very good, but Shannen was the best. And she also looked great on it and took chances with her wardrobe that unfortunately a lot of other sexy American actress’s wouldn’t have. Like in this video with the leather jeans and boots and wearing that outfit to work on the show.

Charmed, might have been the only prime time drama/comedy soap opera, that had their actress’s in leather jeans on a regular basis in the late 1990s and early 2000s in America. The show went on the air in 1998 and this episode is from the first season. Leather jeans on women at least, had a little run during this time. But the low-rise designer denim jeans for women came out in during this period.

And those denim jeans just got tighter by to the point in the mid 2000s sexy American women were now wearing skinny denims and skin-tight denims. And fell in love with them and wore those jeans everywhere, including to the office and out to dinner and everywhere else practically.

But on Charmed, you got to see beautiful sexy women in tight leather jeans. Skinny and skin-tight, at least in Shannen Doherty’s case. Because she has the body to pull the look and look great in them. And not have to worry about looking too thin or overweight in them. With her butt looking flabby, or belly sticking out. Or her crack sticking out when she sits down or stands up, because her body fit so well in those leather jeans.

And Shannen looked great in those jeans as a result. And it would just be nice if other shows like Charmed had the same sense of style for their actress’s as Charmed did. Because leather jeans when they fit right, look great on sexy women.

Jim Morrison Project: ‘Jim Morrison’s 1967 Shelby Mustang’

Jim Morrison
Source:The FreeState MD– Jim Morrison, in 1969.

Source:The New Democrat

“Jim Morrison driving his 1967 Shelby G.T. 500. The clip is from the film “When You’re Strange” (directed by Tom DiCillo) which is in turn borrowed from the movie “HWY: An American Pastoral” which Jim made in 1969 with some friends (Paul Ferrara, Babe Hill, and Frank Lisciandro). This footage is considerably clearer than my previous post of Jim driving the car. Go full screen with this clip, the resolution is killer. You can even see dust on the car it’s so crisp and clear.”

“I did a lot of research on the Shelby and all indications are it was trashed after Jim hit a telephone pole when he was drunk. He had clipped it before, but on that occasion he bent the frame, ending his time with The Blue Lady (his name for the car). Jim met the same fate as the Shelby two years later, though some think he’s still alive. It’s kind of fitting as some people are convinced this car still exists. Maybe he’s still driving it?”

“Shelby fans, note the car has no front grille emblem, no trunk emblem, small lettered Speedway 350 tires, uneven, hammered rear exhaust outlets, comfortweave seats, fender mounted antenna, and half the molding on the driver’s side taillight is missing. LOL. Best of all, it’s a 4-speed nightmist blue car with parchment interior and 10-spoke wheels. He knew how to pick ’em, huh? That’s the way I would have ordered it. If only you could go back in time!”

“I posted an almost identical clip about 4 years ago but something eventually happened with the formatting and as a result it looked like garbage. I deleted it after posting this newer, better, and even clearer clip even though the old one had about 225,000 views and 300 comments. This clip should be formatted correctly and in HD and will undoubtedly be ripped off by others just as my previous post was. So much for ingenuity. I’ve kept another post up which also features the car and includes the stock audio from “HWY” but the video quality lacks. Regardless, a nightmist blue parchment interior ’67 G.T. 500 4-speed car just like Jim’s sold at Barrett-Jackson auctions for $440,000 in January, 2015. Who would have ever believed it?”

From Toddlem

1969 Shelby Mustang
Source:Toodlem– Jim Morrison, going for a ride in his 1969 Shelby Mustang. 

This video was part of a 2010 PBS film about The Doors, really about Jim Morrison and The Doors, which what really drew my interest to the film that I have on dvd. And this is how the film starts off, with The Lizard King taking to the highway I believe in Southern California desert. And he starts off hitchhiking and someone in a Shelby Mustang, great car by the way, picks him up and somehow which is not shown in film, The Lizard King ends up with the car and driving the car. Only The Lizard King would wear skin-tight black leather jeans in the California desert, but that is one thing that made him The Lizard King. And the original film I believe from 1969 I believe was part of Morrison needing a break from the music business and perhaps The Doors as a whole. And that is what they show with Lizard King hitting the road and seeing what life if like outside of his world. And its a good little film, the 1969 version and the 2010 PBS version Strange Days is even better and it shows this part in that film.”


The Fall Guy With Heather Thomas

Brendan Cashell_ The Fall Guy- Featuring Heather Thomas (1)
Source:Brendan Cashell– Heather Thomas and Douglas Barr, on The Fall Guy.

Source:The Daily Post

“Girl offering coffee in very tight jeans.”

From Brendan Cashell 

Apparently Brendan Cashell is not familiar with Heather Thomas or The Fall Guy, even though he uploaded a photo about her and the show: interesting.

” Heather Thomas – The Fall guy S3 E22 Old Heroes never die”

Heather Thomas
Source:Lou Reed– Douglas Barr and Heather Thomas, from The Fall Guy.

From Lou Reed

When I think of the ABC action show The Fall Guy, an action comedy really from the early and mid 1980’s, I think of a very entertaining show with an excellent cast especially Lee Majors leading the way. Who was a great action comedic actor similar to Burt Reynolds or Clint Eastwood and also a very funny man not only on the Fall Guy. But since he was somebody who could kick ass as well as make you laugh on the same show. The Fall Guy had a great 4×4 Chevy pickup truck with a very powerful engine and the ability to jump like a sports car.

It was set in Los Angeles with Lee Majors playing a full-time stunt man who would moonlight as a bounty hunter when his job as a stunt man was slow to make extra money. And the two roles I thought went very well together because he could combine the roles very well. The show also had a gorgeous very sexy adorable blonde who played a stunt woman/bounty hunter. Heather Thomas who always looked sexy and wore skin-tight denim jeans on that show most of the time probably as often as Raechel Ray. Not with the type of body as Rachael Ray, but still looking very sexy.

The Fall Guy was probably the first of several action/comedies slash dramas in the 1980s later to be followed by Matt Houston, The A-Team, Dukes of Hazard was still around at this point. Magnum PI, Knight Rider shows that had very versatile actors and actress’s with producers, directors and writers that wanted to show their cast’s full abilities as actors. Charlie’s Angels would be another one and following it in this period myself it was a time when network TV was actually worth watching and not loaded with cookie-cutter sitcoms or so-called reality TV.

The Doors: When The Music’s Over – Live at The Hollywood Bowl, 1968

Source: The Doors

Source:The Daily Journal

I believe the most memorable performance from The Doors, at least for Jim Morrison. Live at The Hollywood Bowl from 1968, in Los Angeles, 90 minute performance and in color. Perhaps not even half of the footage of Jim Morrison and The Doors was shot in color. Which is a damn shame considering how great and creative of a performer that Jim Morrison was and how popular he was. And probably was not The Lizard King’s best performance as far as delivering the vocals, but it was still an excellent job as far as acting out the scenes in the songs which was mostly off from improv from Morrison. Like with song The Unknown Solider where he crashes to the ground. He gets distracted with seeing a caterpillar on the stage floor and gets down and picks the insect up and makes a comedic scene out of it. Also a very sexy performance on his part with the brown skin-tight leather jeans and all the closeups of The Lizard King, especially in his crotch section and with Morison playing that to the hilt with the dancing and even inviting the closeups of his midsection.

The Doors: Live At The Hollywood Bowl- When The Music’s Over

Pop Candies TV: Dyan Cannon- At Los Angeles Lakers Game, 2013


Source:Pop Candies TV– Hollywood Goddess Dyan Cannon, at her favorite sporting event, a Los Angeles Lakers game.

Source:The Daily Times  

“Dyan brings some yummy brownies to this awesome Laker game!”

From Pop Candies TV

“Dyan Cannon arrives at the Laker Game at Staples Center in Los Angeles, 03/17/13

Thanks for watching this video!

Video Credit: Getty Images.”

Dyan Cannon arrives at the Laker Game at Staples Center i_

Source:Sugar Pop VIP– Hollywood Goddess Dyan Cannon, at an LA Lakers game in 2013.

From Sugar Pop VIP

Dyan Cannon would 75-76 at this point and still looks better than women in their sixties, fifties, forties, thirties, twenties even and good looking women as well. I mean she was born during the Great Depression, pre-World War II even and she still has guys, young guys checking her out wherever she goes. And still fills out denim jeans and boots as well or better than women young enough to be her daughter and even half her age.

The woman is not just a goddess who lives in Hollywood because she’s an entertainer, but she’s a true Hollywood Goddess. Who should be in the Hollywood Hall of Fame. ( If there’s such a thing ) A great actress, very funny, still gorgeous and baby-face adorable and has a body that makes guys young enough to her grandson want to check her out. But other than these things, just an ordinary woman. Sorry I brought her up.