Johnny Circus: Lisa Marie Presley- S.O.B. Live

Source: Johnny Circus– Lisa M. Presley

Source: Real Life Journal

She’s not as good as her father, but most people aren’t, but she can sing. Elvis Presley wasn’t called the king for hell of it. I don’t see him as the King off Rock & Roll and could probably name ten or more rock artists are better, both solo singers and bands. But he had a great voice and some good songs and was a hell of an entertainer. His music was also different from his daughter Lisa Marie Presley. Elvis was a blues rock performer and at times played only rhythm and blues. He was sort of the Eric Clapton but a generation up from Clapton. His daughter Lisa Marie is more of a hard rocker, or even metal, perhaps a Goth performer (according to her outfits) and has a much harder edge to her music. She also has a great voice, but not being headbanger myself and fan of both classic rock R&B, for that alone I would give the edge to her father Elvis Presley when it comes to music. But to each his own and we are free to differ on that. But she’s good in concert and looks great and for that alone is worth checking out.

Johnny Circus: Lisa Marie Presley- S.O.B Live

MTV: Shakira on MTV’s Unplugged in 1999


Source:Alberto Santos– Columbian rocker chick Shakira, on MTV’s Unplugged in 1999.

Source:The New Democrat 

“Shakira sings live “Sombra de ti” (Shadow of you) in 1999 (MTV acoustic concert).”

From Alberto Santos

There is maybe two songs from Shakira that I like that I’ve heard in English. I speak maybe two-hundred words of Spanish, so if someone is singing in Spanish, good luck to me and trying figure out what the hell the person is singing. Because I’ll pick up a few words here and there, not enough to give me a great grasp of the song. Unless it is an Americas song with the same music, but the person singing the song in Spanish. Then I’ll not only know what song they are singing, but probably be able to follow along as well.

Shakira has a few songs that I like Whenever from 2002 and a couple of others with the titles escaping me right now. But she has a great voice and a great sound as far as her music. She has a hell of a band that almost sounds like blues rock or Latin rock. She would do very well performing with American classic rockers and hard rockers. And also she’s so damn baby-face adorable and gorgeous at the same time with a nice body. It is real hard for a straight guy anyway, not to check her out.

Shakira is a classic sexy baby: baby-face adorable, with real sex-appeal of a woman and not a little girl. But she is also very talented as well and she has all of those things going for her at the same time. And then you put her on stage with that voice, that passion and body and then you put her in skin-tight leather jeans and boots, that is just the icing of a huge birthday cake. That makes you want to sit there and eat it the whole time and prey it never ends and goes away.

Joan Jett: Do You Wanna Touch Me & Androgynous, In Concert- Joan Jett: The Rocker Chick For All-Time

Source: The New Democrat

Source: This piece was originally posted at The New Democrat

Joan Jett hasn’t been a great rocker chick for the 1970s, or the 1980s, or the 1990s, the 2000s, or today. She’s been a great rocker chick for all of those decades and times, because she has a style and brand that is of her own that she has perfected and made work for going on forty years now. She first hit it big in 1977 or 78 when she was still a teenager and has been going on ever since. And her music is about herself and her own life and what she has experienced. And is real and she isn’t someone who tries to be anyone else or has copied anyone else, or has needed to. She’s the ultimate American original.

Songs like Hate Myself For Loving You and I love rock and roll, are about her and her own life. Her own experiences and not some copycat of some other performer that has made it big, or has just made it big and trying to copy of that so they sound hot or cool as well. She’ll never be mistaken for a girl band performer, the female version of a boy bander that became popular in the late 1990s. Because she has her own act and her own style. And wouldn’t want to be part of that anyway.

Joan Jett is the ultimate rebel with a cause, because there really isn’t any other rocker chick you can compare her to. Not least as one who has been nearly as successful and has been as successful for as long as she has. I’m not a huge fan of hers, I like a few of her songs, but the thing I respect most about her is how real she is and original she is. Who does her own thing whether it is considered hot or awesome by the pop culture establishment, or not. And she’s taken a lot os risks and has been very successful as a result.

Joan Jett: Do You Wanna Touch Me

Alannah Myles Vevo: Alannah Myles Official Black Velvet Video

Source: Alannah Myles

Source:The New Democrat

I first saw Alannah Myles black velvet in late 1990 or early 1991 when I was a freshmen in high school. And I was blown away by the video. The blues rock sound was about as good as anything I’ve ever heard from Eric Clapton and Bruce Springsteen, my two favorite blues rock artists. I was also blown away about how sexy Alannah looked in the video. The concert footage of the video with her in that black leather motorcycle jacket and the black leather chaps over black denim jeans and the black leather biker boots. She looked like a classic rocker chick in the video and way rocker chicks should look.

VH1 played this video from when it came out in 1989-90, to early 1992 or so and the song did very well. But the thing that I’ve never understood about Alannah is how come her career isn’t bigger. With that beautiful blues sounding voice that goes great with blues and classic rock and how well written Black Velvet was written. I’m not an expert on the music business obviously, but you would think those qualities and her beautiful sexy look, would’ve led to more opportunities.

Alannah Myles career to me at least is a “what could’ve had been”. Because she is a talented writer and singer, but her career just quite hasn’t taken off. Joan Jett who I do like, whose been in the business going on forty years now, is not as good as Alannah. They have slightly different sounds and Joan is more of punk rocker than Alannah. But Alannah has a better voice and has better music, but right now over twenty years later , she’s basically a one hit wonder. She is known for Black Velvet and that is about it.

Alannah Myles Vevo: Alannah Myles- Black Velvet

Gloria Estefan Vevo: Gloria Estefan & The Miami Sound Machine 1-2-3

Source: Gloria Estefan Vevo– Gloria Estefan, in concert

Source:Real Life Journal

“Music video by Gloria Estefan performing 1-2-3. (C) 1987 Sony BMG Music Entertainment”

From Gloria Estafan

This song is a good song in the sense that it has a good beat and rhythm to it. Very uptempo and a good enough band for it. But I believe the main reason why Gloria Estefan broke up with The Miami Sound Machine is because she was too big for them. She was a soon to be a superstar and her band was basically a local band that didn’t do much more with their careers after she left them.

I believe the only memorable moments from the 1-2-3 video is Gloria Estefan herself. She just looked and sounded incredible. She really is a beautiful, adorable, sexy woman when she looks good. And checking her out in that black leather jacket, the blue Levi’s, the black leather chaps, the black leather boots. She looked like this gorgeous sexy biker chick at a rock concert. And this video moves so fast with Gloria moving all over the place having a great time and moving with her band.

Gloria reminds me a lot of Alannah Myles in her Black Velvet video from 1989 where she’s wearing the black leather biker jacket with black leather chaps over black denims , with the black leather boots. And both Gloria and Alannah have great voices as well and just makes for a very entertaining music video.

The other memorable thing about this video is that it was shot at the Miami Arena in 1987 or 88 before Miami had either an NBA or NHL franchise. Just wish she did more videos like this and did them as a solo artist in the 1990s and now she’s not only be seen as a great singer, but very beautiful and sexy singer who has great talent, but also looks great. Similar to how Alicia Keys and Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, Shakira and many other great female musical artists are seen today.

But there will always be 1-2-3 and this concert is also available on YouTube and you can buy it on DVD as well and be able watch her sing and move around all you want.

Anita Lande: Cherie Currie in Concert in Chicago- Cherry Bomb

Source:Anita Lande– Cherie Currie, in concert in Chicago. 

Source:Real Life Journal 

“Cherie Currie 2013, Chicago IL Cherry Bomb.”

From Anita Lande

I’ll be real honest and say that I’m not that familiar with Cherie Currie other than I know she’s friendly with Joan Jett and they perform together. But she sort of sounds like the female version of Alice Cooper. But a much more feminine voice and a much better voice. Alice is more of a heavy metal headbanger and perhaps the current king of leather and leather jeans at least in rock and roll. Especially since Jim Morrison passed away in 1970. Cherie sounds to me more like a hard rocker and not a classic rocker and perhaps has a similar sound as Joan Jett. Her Cherry Bomb to me sounds like Warrant’s Cherry Pie from 1990-91. She definitely has a solid sound and I’ll check her out more in the future.

Keith Richardson: Lita Ford Jamming From 2008

Source: Real Life Journal

A sexy rocker chick who can play. Just from a guy’s point of view this is great to see. A very attractive woman who is a rocker chick, who can play. You know she’s not just up there because she’a an attractive blonde who wears tight outfits practically all the time as you see on this video. Lita Ford has been as successful as she has been as one of the top rocker chicks of the 1980s, because she can play, sing and write music. She’s not some rock groupie who is around simply to make her rock star boyfriend feel good and live off of him. She’s there because she can play the guitar, sing and has music that millions of hard rock fans love. She’s a woman with a very sexy style, but also someone with some real substance, which is why she’s not just one of the top rocker chicks of the 1980s, but like Joan Jett she’s still playing today. And is someone that young rocker chicks today like Lizzy Hale love and enjoy playing with. Instead of some one-hit wonder who was simply there because she had one song that was a hit and didn’t put an album together. Or ruined her career with alcohol and other drugs.

Keith Richardson: Lita Ford Jamming

MTV: Unplugged 1999- Shakira: Octavio Dia

Source:MTV– Shakira, on MTV Unplugged in 1999

Source:Real Life Journal 

“Shakira MTV Unplugged 1999: Octavio Dia.” Originally from MTV.

I speak maybe 200 hundred words of Spanish and enough to somewhat casually converse and be able to pick up words when I’m reading Spanish and to a certain extent when I’m listening to it. So most of Shakira’s 1999 MTV Unplugged performance I missed as far as comprehension. So I know in this song Octavio Dia is that it is about a man named Octavio and it’s his day or something like that. But understanding every word in a song even it if is written and performed in your first language and enjoying hearing the song and it performed and listen to the performer, are two different things.

I know from this song that Shakira has a great voice and great sound. She’s not just a bilingual speaker, but a bilingual singer as well. She’s from Columbia, but her family is from Lebanon and she’s of Arab descent. And yet she speaks Spanish as her first language, but also speaks English because she does a lot of business in America and perhaps speaks Arabic as well. She’s a multi-talented multi-lingual performer and deserves a lot of respect for all of her talents.

Leathered Life: Edenbridge in Concert


Source:Leathered Life– Edenbridge in concert.

Source:Real Life Journal

“Female rock band in tight leather pants.” Don’t remember the exact tag line for the video, which was originally from Leathered Life, but has since been deleted or blocked on YouTube.

From Leathered Life

I’ve never heard of the band Edenbridge and I’m not a metal fan. But the leader singer looks like a rocker click. A classic rocker chick as far as appearance and how she performs. Great red velvet top, great leather belt with a great buckle and great black leather jeans.

The vocalist looks a bit different from Joan Jett, Meredith Brooks, Melissa Etheridge and other rockers chicks with the velvet top. But the black leather jeans are classic in rock culture whether you’re talking about classic rock, (my preference) hard rock, heavy metal, etc. You just see rockers chicks dress different depending on the genre.

Seems like all great rocker chicks have at least one pair of leather jeans with the boots to go with them. And rocker chicks like Joan Jett have made those pants a staple in their performances.

You don’t have to like this band and their music to acknowledge that their vocalist is a beautiful sexy woman who is great to check out especially on stage and a pleasure to watch perform and to listen to.

VH1: Cher- If I Could Turn Back Time – Live at VH1 Divas 1999

Source: VH1– Cher, performing at the 1999 VH1 Divas 

Source:Real Life Journal

The only Cher song that I like and perhaps because of the candor in it. A song about regret and I think it was about her relationship with Sunny Bono, a great classic rock song. This performance was part of VH1’s Divas series that they did annually in the late 1990s and early 2000s. No idea if they still do that, but Cher whatever you think of her certainly qualifies as a diva. Great voice, great personality, great body, certainly very entertaining. And she’s lived a hell of a life and with comes with that comes a lot of regret.

Things you wish you shouldn’t have said and done and perhaps got caught up in the moment and took out your anger on someone. “If I Could Turn Back Time”, again great song, but it is sort of like saying, “if only I owned a helicopter, I would be able to avoid rush hour traffic everyday.” People aren’t tested by what they would have changed if they could go back. You learn from mistakes and then move on. We are tested by how react and carry ourselves in the moment. The better we do in real-time, the fewer mistakes that we’ll make as we move on.

VH1: Cher- If I Could Turn Back Time: VH1 Divas 1999