Jas Bains: Crazy For Daisy Duke- Catherine Bach

Source:Jas Bains– Catherine Bach, the real and only Daisy Duke from the Dukes of Hazzard

Source:The Action Blog

“When Dukes OF Hazzard was at the height of its’ popularity, Catherine Bach who played Daisy Duke had her legs insured for one million dollars. Watch this video and see why.
Before any one complains. Yes, I know some of the scenes have been reversed, mirror image style.”

From Jas Bains

When I was growing up in the 1980s especially in the early 80s when I was just starting to watch TV and had favorite shows and everything else, The Dukes of Hazzard quickly became one of my favorite shows. I loved the General Lee and cars in general on that show. I even thought the cop cars were cool and the cars that the bad guys and gals drove were cool. I still believe Boss Hogg and Sheriff Rosco Coltrane are one of the best comedy duos in the history of Hollywood and perhaps everywhere else. Sorrel Booke and and James Best, the way they played off each other was perfect, because they just had great chemistry together. I mean when your’e talking about both comedy and action-comedy The Dukes of Hazard is for TV what Smokey and the Bandit is for movies, one of the best if not best action/comedies of all-time, as well as pure comedies of all-time.

Source:Tandj Photo Webs– Catherine Bach, at a musical festival

Even if John Schneider and Tom Wopat are never remembered for anything other than The Dukes of Hazzard and playing Bo and Luke Duke, similar to how Lynda Carter will always be remembered as Wonder Woman, they were so great together on this show that of course it’s the role of their lifetimes, but that role was so great that they can’t top it because of how great they were with those characters and how great they were together they don’t need a bigger and better role, because they were the best at least at this genre and have no need and perhaps don’t want to top Bo and Luke Duke. Watching this show every Friday night when I was 7-9 years old ( from what I remember about it ) was something I look forward to every week and a show I never missed even when John Schneider and Tom Wopat left for one reason in 1983 or 84 and were temporarily replaced.

Source:Tandj Photos Webs– Catherine Bach, at a musical festival

But there was one other character played by a certain actress that was so memorable and brought me to that show every week just to see that face, body, and to see what she was wearing, to hear that voice and to see her do something that was hot, sexy, and adorable every week. I know we’re not supposed to have sexual feelings until we’re in junior high at least in our early teens when we hit puberty, but I swear I had a crush on Catherine Back before I was even 10 years old.

I watched that show every week just to check her out. Loved the cars, the car chases, all the comedy and characters in that movie and The Dukes of Hazard was a better show than Wonder Woman and Catherine did have better material and people to work with than Lynda Carter, but the reasons why people watched Wonder Woman every week to see Lynda Carter and to see her kick ass, are the same reasons why people ( especially guys ) watched The Dukes of Hazard every where to watch Catherine Bach who played Daisy Duke.

Catherine is still so hot, so sexy, so adorable, great personality, wit, etc. Similar to how Michael Jordan put fans in the seats at Chicago Bulls games regardless of who the Bulls were playing, Catherine Bach had guys home on Friday nights even if they were married or had a serious girlfriends to check her out on The Dukes. And she deserves a lot of credit for that.

Clips About Nothing: Seinfeld (1993) Teri Hatcher: ‘They’re Real & They’re Spectacular’

Seinfeld - Terri Hatcher & Jerry Seinfeld
Source:Clips About Nothing– Hollywood Goddess Teri Hatcher, guess-starring on Seinfeld in 1993.

Source:The Action Blog

“Seinfeld Season 4 Episode 19 – The Implant

The longest laugh from the episode “The Implant”

Sometimes you just can’t judge a book by its cover – or even after you’ve felt the pages…

From Clips About Nothing

If you’re familiar with this Seinfeld episode, you know that Teri Hatcher’s plays Jerry’s new girlfriend that he met at their health club. And one of the first things that he notices about her is of course is her how should I say, nice rack. And he tells his friends about her and they can’t believe that her breasts are real and feel the need to see them for themselves. And Elaine ( played by Julia Dreyfus ) agrees to be Jerry’s spy and she sort of follows Jerry’s girlfriend around their health club and into the sauna to see if her breasts are actually real or not.

Source: Fed-El Kryptonian– Teri Hatcher & Jerry Seinfeld 

“Well it turns out it was Hatcher’s physique itself that inspired Larry David to come up with the famous line on the spot. In honor of the legendary sitcom’s 25th anniversary, Hatcher and several other notable Seinfeld guest actors talked to Rolling Stone about the stories behind their guest appearances. According to Hatcher…

Clips About Nothing_ Seinfeld (1993) Teri Hatcher_ 'They're Real & They're Spectacular'

Source:Vanity Fair– Hollywood Goddess Teri Hatcher guess-starring on Seinfeld in 1993. Don’t let the baby face fool: she’s a lot tougher than her adorable disposition lets on.

From Vanity Fair

What you see in this video is that it finally occurs to Sidra ( played by Teri Hatcher ) that Jerry not only doesn’t know if her breasts are real or not, but that he had a spy follow her around to see for herself if Sidra’s breast were real or not and that is why she walks out on him in his apartment. This was even before Teri Hatcher got the Lois Lane character on the ABC Clark Kent show about Superman. So she wasn’t a star yet in Hollywood or even a known name yet, but this is episode and break that made Teri Hatcher a star and has kept her working in Hollywood for the last 25 years.

Laugh About: ’10 Insane Late Night Talk Show Appearances’


Source:India Times– Heidi Klum, on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno in 2006.

Source:The Daily Review


From Mendo Heis


Laugh About_ '10 Insane Late Night Talk Show Appearances'Source:The Daily Review– Heidi Klum, on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, in 2006.

From Moises TV

I think the guests that stick out with me from this video, are Paris Hilton. Because she’s only famous, because who her father is and a few failed so-called realty TV shows she’s been on and of course one of perhaps thousands of so-called celebrities that have done time in jail. And if you noticed Dave Letterman, there was nothing else he wanted to talk about with Paris. Why, because she’s not well-known for really anything positive and for any substance. She’s known as a heiress who probably lives off her trust fund from her father and has someone invest and manage that money for her.

The Joaquin Phoenix, is another standout. Joaquin, later apologized to Letterman for his appearance on that show. Hopefully he apologized for not bothering to shave, or getting a haircut, chewing the gum, the sunglasses, perhaps not bathing before coming on. Dave, was expecting to see Joaquin Phoenix and instead what they got was Jim Morrison’s twin brother from 1970. Some zen new aged hipster, who didn’t seem to have a care in the world, or know anything about anything that was going on in his life. Not the way you want to appear on national TV on The Late Show with David Letterman.

Heidi Klum, well because she’s Heidi Klum. Arguably one of the five best looking woman to ever come from Germany, or be of ethnic-German descent. I like Steffi Graf and Catherine Bach, but that’s me. That whole setup looked planned to me and Heidi with the sense of humor that she has, probably planned the whole deal herself with Dave and Marty Short, being more than willing helpers with the so-called Heidi wardrobe malfunction. I believe that show was from 2007, just three years after the so-called Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction at that Super Bowl.

Post-Johnny Carson, Dave Letterman to me is the best late night talk show host. And I think I like him the most because of damn straight candor. If he doesn’t have much respect for his guests, or his guests aren’t giving him much to work with and perhaps are acting like they want to be somewhere else, as you saw with Paris Hilton, who perhaps was late for her appointment with her dealer, or Joaquin, who looked like he just woke up from a ten-year coma, which would explain the shades and thick beard, Dave will let you know about it. Without actually telling you how he’s feeling.

Bruce Illest: Late Night With Conan O’Brien- Norm MacDonald & Courtney Thorne Smith (1997)

Late Night With Norm MacDonald and Courtney Thorne Smith
Source:Bruce Illest– Norm MacDonald and Courtney Thorne-Smith, on Late Night With Conan O’Brien in 1998.

Source:The New Democrat

“This is an interview with a girl from MELROSE PLACE… Thank GOD, Norm Macdonald cannot resist giving her the business.”

From Bruce Illest

Thank God for Norm MacDonald otherwise this interview would’ve been about Chairman of The Board. That so far I’ve been a hundred-percent successful in not seeing. I guess they could’ve talked about Melrose Place which was a great show, at least the last two seasons of it that I saw. But Courtney was on the show to talk about Chairman of The Bored, I mean Chairman of The Board.

I mean who would want to be Chairman of The Bored. You would constantly be chairing over people having trouble staying awake at your bored meetings, I mean board meetings. But that was why Norm was there so they wouldn’t have to spend 5-10 minutes talking about the movie and having to listen to people snoring in the audience. Which would’ve been distracting for the audience. And losing people to more interesting things like PBS fundraising drives. And high school plays on public access TV.