E-How Beauty: ‘Fashion Advice For Women- How To Wear Knee-High Boots With Denim Jeans’

E-Show Beauty - Jeans in Boots
Source:E-How Beauty– A look at jeans in boots.

Source:The Daily Press

“When wearing knee-high boots with jeans, it’s always a good idea to wear skinny jeans to ensure they fit inside your boots. Look great with your knee high boots and jeans with help from an image consulting firm owner in this free video on women’s fashion.”

From E-How Beauty

I love sexy women who know they are sexy and not afraid to show it. To me this is part of freedom and one of the many benefits of living in a liberal democracy. The freedom for people to be themselves and to live their own lives. As long as they aren’t hurting anyone else with their freedom. And not having big government tell them what they can and can’t do with their lives. Sexuality is part of that freedom, it’s sexual freedom.

The ability for people to show others what they have in a physical way. It’s the difference between living in a liberal democracy like America and authoritarian country like Iran. In America people have the right to essentially be themselves as long as they are not hurting anyone else with their freedom. This is in the Constitution, which is unfortunately isn’t always enforced equally for everyone.

The Equal Protection Clause isn’t always enforced properly unfortunately. We constantly have people fighting for their constitutional rights in court that they believe were violated by others. But under our constitution people essentially have the right to live their own lives. It’s just one difference between living in a liberal democracy like America and an authoritarian theocracy like Iran.

Iran a country where freedom is constricted to what the central government believes is moral. Even if people aren’t hurting anyone with their actions. Thank God for women’s liberation of the 1960s that if anything just grew stronger in the 1970s that led up to the designer denim jeans revolution of the late 1970s that went into the 1980s. That came back even stronger in the late 1990s, that we as culture are still go through almost twenty-years later culturally.


Amber’s Beauty Chair: How To Wear Tall Boots With Jeans

Source: Amber’s Beauty Chair 

Source:The Daily Press

To me a sexy women is a women that’s of course at least pretty, cute as well, but in a sexy way and not sounding and looking like a little girl with the personality to match, but looks and sounds sweet, but looks and sounds like a grown up women, as well a being well-built, with tight curves, a women who stays in shape and eats full balanced meals.

Not an obese women who looks like they live in front of all you can eat buffets. Or a stick-figure who eats nothing but rice cakes, vegetables., fruit and vomits half of that up. But a well-built healthy women and what they look sexiest in as well as still looking classy with style, not looking like a women who needs to look good to make a living, like a prostitute such as, to me the sexiest clothing on women are tight jeans, skinny jeans that are low-rise, but don’t show a women’s butt crack when they stand up or bend over.

But tight modern jeans and one thing that’s great about tight jeans, as well as their sex appeal, is their versatility. Women can where them casually with a t-shirt or tank top. Like on the weekends or to appointments and shopping. Or in some cases where them to work, with a suit jacket, blouse, sweater. They can where them when they are going out on the town. They look great with leather, boots and jackets especially, as well as suede.

Every time I see a sexy women on the street or in a store or at a restaurant or bar, or at a ball game, it’s like being in paradise for me. It’s a great moment that’s hard not to forget. Especially watching sexy women walk, especially up stairs or bending over. Men should thank God that sexy women love tight jeans and where them as often as they do.

Amber’s Beauty Chair: How To Wear Tall Boots With Jeans

Gral Hueter: Woman in Skin-Tight Jeans- In Stiletto Boots

The Daily Press_ Gral Hueter_ Woman in Tight Denim Jeans- in Stiletto High Heel Boots
Source:Gral Hueter– Skinny jeans in stiletto boots on the go.

Source:The Daily Press

“Woman in Stiletto High Heel Boots.” Originally from Gral Hueter. The video has since been deleted or blocked on YouTube.

When I’m walking down the street somewhere or sitting down in public and see an attractive well built woman walk by, or she’s ahead of me by ten feet or so, and she’s wearing tight jeans in or over boots, like cowgirl or work boots, of course I take a look. Unless I’m in such a hurry that I don’t have the time. It’s hard for a guy not to stare at a women dressed like that. Sexy women love jeans, because they look good in them and they feel good in them and it makes them feel good and comfortable and perhaps even like being checked out in them. And let the world no that they’re put together and have great style as well. Women don’t wear skinny jeans (denim or leather) because they’re trying to hide and don’t like being seen in public. The opposite is true whether it’s popular celebrities like Sofia Vergara, Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, to use as examples. Or beautiful sexy women in your neighborhood and hometown.

I just love the sound that the boots make on the ground. It’s like listening to Frank Sinatra sing or Jimmy Hendrix play guitar. It’s poetry in motion to me. Men should thank attractive well-built women who dress like that. These women look great and are not afraid to show the world that they look great. They’re wearing what I believe to be the sexiest combination in women’s fashion right now tight denim with boots. Of course guys are going to notice women dressed like that. We would have to be blind not to. And tight denim meaning skinny jeans have become so mainstream now thanks to the designer jeans revolution of the late 1970s and then the next one of the late 1990s and early 2000s, that women feel they can wear skinny jeans especially dark wash denim practically everywhere. Perhaps short of to their weddings or church. But women now wear dark wash jeans and boots to the office and dress them up. And not just on Casual Friday.

I’ve said before that I’m not interested in what I call the hooker look, the boots over knees look. Women dressed like that look to me as if they think that they need their sex appeal to make a living. When it comes to tight jeans with boots, I’m interested in women who wear modern jeans cut to show off their rear, but not to the point of showing their rear cleavage when they bend over or stand up. Women dressed like this look sexy to me, but also look like they use their intelligence in their profession. I like sexy and intelligent women, women who are proud of their appearance, dress to display it in accordance within modern social norms, and stay away from the boundary of the hooker look. Sexy with style is I guess the way I would describe what I at least believe is the modern sexy look. Women who know they look great ad have great legs and want that to be clear in public. But do it in a professional stylish mature way. Low-rise tight jeans, but not to the point that the woman’s cleavage comes out when she stands up or sits down. But shows that she has great legs and a great butt.


Sexy Latex Val: Sexy Val in Her New Guess Black Denim Jeans in Black Zipper Boots

Source:Sexy Latex Val– Sexy Latex Val, in her black Guess denim jeans , in black zipper boots.

Source:The Daily Press 

“Sexy Val In Her New GUESS Black Jeans and Zipper Boots”

From Sexy Latex Val

When I think of sexy women, not women who could pass as hookers, I think of women who are attractive, well-built, and wearing tight denim with boots, tight jeans in boots or jeans over boots.

You see biker chicks, rocker chicks, cowgirls, female construction workers, and waitresses wearing them. You see women wearing tight jeans to the office. If you’re a guy and you’re religious, you should thank God for casual Friday. Denim is a universal look and material today that is no longer just for casual looks and events.

It is now a versatile look that women wear to work and not just entertainers, or construction workers and designers that you see on TV. But sexy women wear denim and leather when they’re going out and dress up in their denim jeans and dress up in boots and dress up with their jeans and boots. And do it in a way that makes them look stylish and appropriate. Or women like you see in this video (just click the link) who wear their skin-tight black denim jeans, in leather boots, with a short leather jacket, while they’re going shopping with their kid. As you see with this woman in this video.

This beautiful redhead takes it a step further by wearing a short tight top, and a black leather jacket with skin-tight black denim Guess jeans and black leather zipper boots. She is filmed, presumably, by her boyfriend or husband. Out for the day, we see her out moving around in her sexy outfit.

Val has a great body. She knows it and is not afraid of the world seeing it because she knows who she is. She takes the attitude that if you have it, you should be proud of it and not be afraid to show it. Gotta love her for that. By the way, I wish black denim jeans were more popular among women.

Black leather jeans are fairly common now. Black denim jeans they might be just as sexy as blue denim jeans. They sort of have the look of leather jeans. I understand why women wouldn’t want to wear black jeans in the summer in the State of Maryland where I live because of the heat and humidity. But in the fall and winter, why not.

So my hat’s off to “Sexy Val” for taking care of herself, looking great, and not being afraid to show the world how great she looks. She makes black denim jeans look as sexy as possible and I would love to see more women take her lead, especially in the winter, when those jeans would help keep them warm as well.

Another advantage of black denim is that they can come off as work and dress pants and still be tight and show a women’s lower body. Again women could wear them to the office. Teachers could wear them to work and still look very appropriate.

Men are always doing this and have been doing this. Because black pants, generally trousers are very common for both men and women when going to work. But add denim instead of cotton and you have a very stylish pant that still looks professional, but also looks good and shows that the woman or man, also has nice legs and even a nice but.

Madi Heels: Sexy Blonde- Platform Boots and Jeans


Source:Madi Heels– Sexy Blonde, in skinny jeans in boots & leather n denim.

Source:The Daily Press 

“Platform boots and jeans.” Originally from Madi Heels. The video has since been deleted or blocked on YouTube.

Here’s another tall, gorgeous, and well-built blonde with tight curves wearing a leather jacket, skin-tight denim jeans, and black leather platform boots, the jackpot for sexy outfits as far as I’m concerned.

Even a blind gay man would notice a woman like her walking down the street in that outfit. ( No offense to blind gay men, there’s nothing wrong with that if that is who you are). It combines the two sexiest fabrics in fashion right now, leather and denim, with platform boots.

It’s a burger and fries or Montana to Rice, ( to use an NFL sports analogy for you NFL football fans especially San Francisco 49er fans ) the ultimate combination it can’t be beat except, perhaps, by replacing the platform boots with flat boots, which I prefer on women.

This woman looks very sexy without looking like a hooker ( for the most part ). She looks like she might even have a brain and uses it to make her living, might not need her sexy physical appearance. to pay the bills.

That’s the sexiest combination to me, beauty and intelligence, as good as burger and fries or Montana to Rice, the ultimate of combinations.

New Fashion 13: Down by the Riverside- Leather and Denim in Boots

Source: New Fashion 13– Down by the riverside in leather n denim and jeans in boots

Source:The Daily Press 

“Down by the riverside in stiletto boots and a black leather jacket.” Originally from New Fashion 13, but the video has since been deleted or blocked on YouTube.

When I think of sexy women, I think of them in tight jeans with leather boots. Whether they wear their boots with skinny jeans, the common look for five years now, or jeans over boot’s, its a very sexy combination. It combines two sexy looks, denim and leather, the two sexiest looks in fashion right now.

The body type is an important component of the denim and boots look. I’m not a fan of the valley girl look, a tall, rail thin, blond who doesn’t eat full meals and is afraid of meat. I’m also not a fan of obese women who look like they only eat meat and sweets and wouldn’t know exercise if they fell over it. I’m attracted to healthy, well built, women who eat full meals and keep themselves in shape. I’m 6’5 and over 200 lbs. I prefer women who are between 5’6 & 6’+ and well built.

About a year and a half ago, I saw a YouTube video of a beautiful, tall, brunette with a sweet face walking by a riverside wearing a black leather jacket, tight, dark, washed, skinny, denim jeans and black, leather, stiletto boots. I commented, at the time and still believe today, that her look was the perfect combination, like a cheeseburger and fries. The woman, apparently British, replied to me that she prefers fish and chips (ha ha) but she took my point. Whichever analogy you prefer, it works.

I prefer seeing women wearing calf high boots in tight jeans. It looks sexy but the women look intelligent and productive, independent of their sex appeal. Thigh high boots strike me as hooker boots. Women wearing them look like they need their sex appeal to make a living.