Warrior 922: The Fast and The Furious (2001) Hot Dom & Letty

Alamy Stock Photo_ Michelle Rodriguez- The Fast and The Furious (2001)

Source:Warrior 922– sizzling Dom and Letty.

Source:Real Life Journal  

“The Fast and The Furious – Hot (Dom&Letty) NEW THING TO DO in the ‘BRING BACK LETTY’ campagne!”

From Warrior 922

“NEW THING TO DO in the ‘BRING BACK LETTY’ campagne!

If you want to see Letty in the 5th installment of Fast&Furious, there are 3 things you have to do:

“1. Send email(s) to Michael Moses (head of publicity at Universal Pictures). Here’s his email address:
Send him a message, asking him for Letty to be brought back ALIVE and in MUCH bigger role to the next installment of Fast&Furious. Keep it short, remember to be respectful and nice. Rude words won’t get us anywhere, anyway. You can also give some in-depth feedback on why you think Letty should be brought back or why you love Letty/Michelle/Dotty, etc.
Be sure to thank him for his time!”

From Warrior 922

Warrior 922_ The Fast and The Furious (2001) Hot Dom & Letty

Source:Warrior 922– Hot Dom and Letty

The Fast and The Furious is not one of my favorite movies. It is not even one of my favorite movies of this century so far. Which is saying something, because most of the top movies of this era at least in popularity are based on style, what is considered hot, awesome, OMG or whatever. I think you get the idea and special effects as well. And movies like that which aren’t based on writing, acting and plot, don’t tend to impress me.

But I do like Michelle Rodriguez, not just physically as a gorgeous, baby-faced adorable, sexy woman, but as an actress as well. And I like Vine Diesel purely as an actor and these two characters and how they relate in this movie are really the only thing that impresses me about this movie. And they look great together and communicate very well together. They simply go well together as you see in this scene.

Author: Ederik Schneider

I’m a Liberal (or Classical Liberal, if you prefer) blogger, who specializes in the real liberalism, (as we call it) as well as Libertarians and libertarianism, for The New Democrat. But I also blog about Classic Hollywood, sports history, and from time to time, women’s fashion and lifestyle in general.

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