IBob 1983: Blonde Women in Denim Jeans in Boots

Source: IBob 1983

Source:The Daily Press

Here’s a tall gorgeous curvy sexy blonde that proves that the myth that all blonde women are rail-thin is a myth. Yes blonde women have curves as well and this blonde is proud of hers and showcases them very well. In her tight denim jeans in leather boots. As well as a leather jacket. Gorgeous sexy women that’s very proud of how she looks and wants the world to see it.

Skinny women to me aren’t sexy. I’m not interested in stereotypical valley girls or stereotypical rail-thin models. I’m not interested in obese women who’ve never missed and opportunity to eat or never turned downs seconds as well. I’m interested healthy women, women who take care of themselves. Who eat well, balanced meals who work out as well, who take care of themselves.

Healthy women to me are sexy women as you see in this video. Beautiful sexy women in a very sexy outfit that combines both worlds of leather and denim into one very sexy package, a pleasure to check out. Tall gorgeous sexy blonde because she takes care of herself and is proud of that and lets the world see how healthy she is.

IBob 1983: Blonde Girl in Denim Jeans in Boots

Author: Erik Schneider

I use the American Liberal photo as the cover photo for this blog, because that’s exactly what I am. And no, not in the stereotypical, sort of pop culture sense of what an American Liberal is supposed to be. But someone who represents what American liberalism, as well as European liberalism, and perhaps the liberalism of the rest of the world outside of the United States. Liberals are people who believe in defense of liberal democracy, as well as the preservation of liberal democracy. And of course we also believe in liberal democracy with all the individual rights, and other liberal values that come from liberal democracy, the liberal democratic form of government, like equal opportunity, equal rights, equal justice, property rights, individual freedom and freedom of choice for everybody, as well as limited but responsible government, and fiscal responsibility

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